Composite Decking

Composite Decking Maintenance: Dos and Don’ts for Longevity

Composite Decking Maintenance: Dos and Don’ts for Longevity


Composite decking has become increasingly popular among homeowners due to its durability, low maintenance requirements, and attractive appearance. However, while composite decking is designed to withstand the elements and resist common issues like rot, warping, and splintering, it still requires some basic maintenance to ensure its longevity and beauty. Here we will go over the most common dos and don’ts of composite decking maintenance to help you keep your outdoor living space looking its best for years to come.




Clean Regularly

One of the most important aspects of composite decking maintenance is regular cleaning. While composite decking is resistant to staining and fading, it can still accumulate dirt, dust, and debris over time. To keep your deck looking clean and fresh, sweep it regularly with a soft-bristled broom or use a leaf blower to remove loose debris.


For a deeper clean, use a composite deck cleaner specifically designed for your type of decking. These cleaners are formulated to remove tough stains and grime without damaging the surface of your deck. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and rinse the deck thoroughly after cleaning. A good cleaning should be done 1-2x a year.


Rinse Away Spills

While composite decking is stain-resistant, it’s still important to clean up spills as soon as they occur. Certain substances, like grease, oil, and wine, can leave stubborn stains if left to sit on the surface of your deck for too long.


To prevent staining, simply rinse away spills with a hose or a damp cloth as soon as you notice them. For tougher stains, use a mild soap and water solution and scrub the area gently with a soft-bristled brush. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing too vigorously, as this can damage the surface of your deck.


Use a Soft-Bristled Brush

When cleaning your composite deck, it’s important to use the right tools to avoid damaging the surface. Always use a soft-bristled brush or broom when sweeping or scrubbing your deck. Hard-bristled brushes or abrasive sponges can scratch the surface of your deck, leaving it looking dull and worn.


Trim Surrounding Vegetation

While composite decking is resistant to moisture and rot, it’s still important to keep the area around your deck free from excess vegetation. Overhanging branches, bushes, and plants can drop leaves, twigs, and other debris onto your deck, leading to staining and discoloration over time.


To prevent this, trim any surrounding vegetation regularly to keep it away from your deck. This will not only help keep your deck looking clean and fresh but also reduce the amount of maintenance required over time.


Use Furniture Pads

Outdoor furniture can be tough on your composite deck, especially if it has metal or sharp edges. To prevent scratches and gouges, use furniture pads under the legs of your chairs, tables, and other outdoor furniture.


Furniture pads come in a variety of materials, including felt, rubber, and plastic. Choose a material that is appropriate for your type of furniture and the surface of your deck. Be sure to replace the pads regularly to ensure they continue to provide adequate protection.




Don’t Use Abrasive Cleaners

While it may be tempting to use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners to remove tough stains from your composite deck, doing so can actually cause more harm than good. Abrasive cleaners can scratch the surface of your deck, leaving it looking dull and worn.


Instead, stick to mild soap and water solutions or composite deck cleaners specifically designed for your type of decking. These cleaners are formulated to remove tough stains without damaging the surface of your deck.


Don’t Use a Pressure Washer

Pressure washers can be a great tool for cleaning tough stains and grime from outdoor surfaces, but they should be used with caution on composite decking. The high-pressure stream of water can actually damage the surface of your deck, leaving it looking worn and faded.


If you do choose to use a pressure washer on your composite deck, be sure to use a low-pressure setting and hold the nozzle at least 12 inches away from the surface of the deck. Move the nozzle in a sweeping motion, and avoid focusing the stream of water on any one area for too long.


Don’t Use a Metal Shovel

While composite decking is designed to withstand the elements, it can still be damaged by sharp or heavy objects. One of the most common culprits is a metal shovel, which can easily scratch or gouge the surface of your deck.


To avoid damaging your composite deck, use a plastic shovel or a broom to remove snow and ice in the winter.


Don’t Use Rubber-Backed Mats

While outdoor mats can be a great way to add color and texture to your composite deck, it’s important to choose the right type of mat to avoid damaging the surface. Rubber-backed mats can trap moisture against the surface of your deck, leading to staining and discoloration over time.


Instead, choose outdoor mats made from materials like polypropylene or nylon, which allow moisture to evaporate quickly. Be sure to clean your outdoor mats regularly to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating on the surface of your deck.


Don’t Neglect Regular Maintenance

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when it comes to composite decking maintenance is neglecting regular upkeep. While composite decking is designed to be low-maintenance, it still requires some basic care to ensure its longevity and beauty.


Be sure to clean your composite deck regularly, rinse away spills as soon as they occur, and trim surrounding vegetation to keep your deck looking its best. By following these simple maintenance tips, you can enjoy your beautiful composite deck for years to come.



Composite decking is a great investment for homeowners looking for a durable, low-maintenance outdoor living space. By following these simple dos and don’ts of composite decking maintenance, you can keep your deck looking beautiful and functional for years to come. Remember to clean your deck regularly, use the right tools and cleaners, and avoid common mistakes like using abrasive cleaners or neglecting regular upkeep. With proper care and maintenance, your composite deck will provide you with a beautiful and enjoyable outdoor living space for years to come.