outdoor living EXPERTS
Deck Building Pros
Decked Out Builders was started by Tony & Kristen.
Tony started his carpentry career in 2012 as a custom home builder and later joined the Carpenters Union. While he took great pride there came to a point where he became discouraged by the lack of customer service within the industry and was determined to change that by creating his own company.
Tony and Kristen built a team that is dedicated to excellence and committed to making the customer process and extraordinary as the end result. As a truly family run, locally owned business, we take great pride in providing our clients with exceptional customer service and high-quality craftsmanship.
We will give our recommendations and really listen to what your needs and wants are. You can count on us to take care of all the small details of your wants, needs, and concerns throughout the design and build process so you don’t have to. From the very first contact, beyond the last nail, we are here to answer and questions or concerns. We do not believe we have done our job unless you feel 100% satisfied with your new build. Decked Out Builders is fully licensed and insured to handle any of your remodeling needs.
Top Quality Workmanship
High-Quality Products
Excellent Communication
Industry-Leading Warranties
Our Deck Building Service Areas
As a preferred deck contractor, we serve a lot of neighborhoods in and around the city. We’ve built decks in prestigious neighborhoods and rural areas alike. No matter where you live, we can build a beautiful deck that will enhance your home and provide you with a great place to relax and entertain guests.
We have worked with homeowners, businesses, and everyone in between to create the perfect deck for their needs. Whether you need a simple deck for a backyard barbecue or a multi-level deck for entertaining guests, we can help. We specialize in custom decks, so if you have an idea for something unique, we can make it happen.
We service the following areas:
- Deck Builders in Barrington
- Deck Builders in Barrington Hills
- Deck Builders in Buffalo Grove
- Deck Builders in Deer Park
- Deck Builders in Elgin
- Deck Builders in Elk Grove Village
- Deck Builders in Hoffman Estates
- Deck Builders in Inverness
- Deck Builders in Palatine
- Deck Builders in Rolling Meadows
- Deck Builders in Schaumburg
- Deck Builders in South Barrington
- Deck Builders in Green Oaks
- Deck Builders in Hawthorn Woods
- Deck Builders in Kildeer
- Deck Builders in Lake Forest
- Deck Builders in Lake Villa
- Deck Builders in Lake Zurich
- Deck Builders in Libertyville
- Deck Builders in Lindenhurst
- Deck Builders in Long Grove
- Deck Builders in Mundelein
- Deck Builders in North Barrington
- Deck Builders in Port Barrington
- Deck Builders in Tower Lakes
- Deck Builders in Vernon Hills
- Deck Builders in Volo
- Deck Builders in Wauconda
Customer Testimonials
We were extremely pleased with Decked Out Builders. Tony and Kristen were so easy to work with. Tony took his time to go over all samples and design options. His finished work speaks for itself. High quality work and impeccable service from them both.
Michael Tanner
Decked out builders did an amazing job on our deck extension. They were easy to work with and were very professional. Arrived early every day and cleaned up after every days work. We absolutely love our new deck and can’t wait for the summer to enjoy our new features. Highly recommend them.
Jessica Ryan